RDS Dublin Horse Show Winner – Ní Riain Photography RDS Dublin Horse Show Winner – Ní Riain Photography

RDS Dublin Horse Show Winner

“There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.”  ~Winston Churchill

Hunt rider and Hunting Horse Going Hunting Hunting Images Equine

Ni Riain Photography are delighted to announce the winner of the 2012 RDS Dublin Horse Show Equine Portrait Competition worth €500 is Ms. Kate Haley, Kilmacrennan, Co. Donegal. Kate wins a two hour on location equine portrait session with Sinéad Ni Riain, Ireland’s top professional Equine Portrait photographer and a framed 14″ wall portrait. A big thank you to all who entered. We look forward to our visit to Donegal later this year.

An Equine portrait frames forever the friendship between horse and rider and creates a family heirloom for the future.

Keep that time in a frame and commission an equine portrait shoot.
Don’t let the time slip by

Call Sinead Today on 0504 23562 or 0860466866 or fill in our Gift Voucher enquiry form

Below are some of my recent equine shoots taken Nationwide please have a scroll down through the portraits and let us know your favourites………

Stunning Equine Autumn shoot Young rider and pony Photography by

“Each man should frame life so that at some hour fact and his dreaming meet” – ~Victor Hugo

Dressage Horse & Rider Kate Dwyer National Dressage Champion  Eq

People don’t teach people how to ride, horses teach people how to ride.

Ireland top Horse photographer Sinead Ni Riain photography Thurl

“A canter is a cure for every evil” – Benjamin Disraeli

Event rider and Eventing Horse Equine photo shoot by Ni Riain Ph

“Horses aren’t my whole life, but they make my life whole”

Horses & Ponies on An Rinn Dungarvan Equine Photography by Ni Ri

No hour of life is wasted that is spent in the saddle.  ~Winston Churchill

Equine Photography by Ni Riain Photogaphy

Every horse has something to say, you just have to be willing to listen…..

Sunset with my pony and i Irelands Horse Photographer Equine pho

My little pony pretty in pink Equine portrait by Ni Riain Photog

~”Ponies teach us life’s lessons”~

Young showjumping ponyclub riders and their ponies and horses Ti

Into the west Cavan Equestrian Centre two boys and their showjum

European Event Pony Ice Cool Bailey Sarah O'Brien Ballydoyle Rac

Hunt rider and her Hunting Horse nuzzling her in warm sunshine C

When all else fails, hug your horse.

Showjumping rider and Showjumping Tipperary Equestrian Centre Ca

Showjumping rider Kilkenny and her showjumping ponies Autumn lea

Event rider and Eventing Horse Equine photo shoot by Ni Riain Ph

Cavan Equestrian Centre Showjumping pony and riders showjump Ni

Sarah and Ana O'Brien Ballydoyle Racing Flat Racing Fairylikes IFamily equine portrait at stables with pet dogs and children pho

Showjumping rider and her showjumping pony stables Trim Co. MeatDaragh Ryan Tipperary Equestrian Centre Showjumper and Showjumping horse Equine Portrait by Ni Riain PhotographyEvent horse and rider irelands Leading equine photographer Sinéad Ni Riain Ni Riian Photography Thurles Co. Tipperary

All I pay my psychiatrist is the cost of feed and hay, and he’ll listen to me any day.  ~Author Unknown

Beach sunset canter pony horses Equine photo shoot by Ni Riain P

I have seen things so beautiful they have brought tears to my eyes. Yet none of them can match the gracefulness and beauty of a horse running free.

Foxhound puppy with small boy rider going hunting tally ho - EquShowjumping family with ponies at Cashel Palace Hotel Co. TipperPony Clubbers Brother and Sister with their Horse in Coolrain CoShowjumping rider and Horse Gorey Wexford Equine photo shoot by

Horses are different than people they never stop loving

Family Equine Photography by Ni Riain Photogaphy

Small children are convinced that ponies deserve to see the inside of the house.  ~Maya Patel

Young ponyclub rider and her showjumping pony feeding horse suns

The child who ran weeping to you with a cut finger is now brought home, smiling gamely, with a broken collar bone and incredible contusions-’it wasn’t Jezebel’s fault, Dad.’

Young boy and pony Equine Photography by Ni Riain Photogaphy

Showjumping rider and her showjumping pony and horse stables Tri

Showjumping rider and pony Rush Co. Dublin  Equine photo shoot bYoung girl with pony in stables portrait by Sinead Ni Riain, Ire

Young girl and her puppy hound Tipperary Pony Club Cashel Co. TiNorthern Ireland Showjumping Horse and rider by Irelands top Equ

Horse sense is the thing a horse has which keeps it from betting on people.  ~W.C. Fields

Showjumping rider and her showjumping pony stables Trim Co. Meat

Equine Photography by Ni Riain Photogaphy

Equine Photography by Ni Riain Photogaphy

Equine Photography by Ni Riain Photogaphy

Equine Autumn shoot beautiful Virginia creeper Young rider and p

Equine Photography by Ni Riain PhotogaphyEquine Photography by Ni Riain PhotogaphyRiding Club rider and horse - Equine Photography by Ni Riain PhoHunt rider and Hunting Horse Going Hunting Hunting Images EquineYoung family Tipperary equine photo shoot by Ni Riain Photograph

In riding a horse, we borrow freedom. ~ Helen Thompson

Equine Photography by Ni Riain Photogaphy

Equine Photography by Ni Riain PhotogaphyIreland top Horse photographer Sinead Ni Riain  Equine PhotograpShowjumping rider with two ponies at Gorey Co. Wexford Ireland E

Young ponyclub riders and thier pony and dogs Termafeckin Co. LoShowjumping rider with her showjumper coloured horse at Thurles

One day, just you and I shall gallop in an open field, with nothing in our way, except the wind blowing in our manes and tails.

Showjumping rider with her pony at Ravensdale Woods Dundalk Co.Equine Photography by Ni Riain Photogaphy

You don’t think a horse can count? Put three carrots in your pocket and give your horse only two.

Equine Photography by Ni Riain PhotogaphyShowjumping family with ponies and horses at Tipperary Equestria

Equine Photography by Ni Riain Photogaphy

Girl and horse storyboard Equine Photography by Ni Riain PhotogaYoung Rider and Horse "going home" Equine photo shoot by Ni Riai

Showjumping Wexford Ireland rider and Showjumping  Horse EquineEquine Photography by Ni Riain PhotogaphyFamily Equine & dog Photography by Ni Riain Photogaphy

Equine Photography by Ni Riain PhotogaphyHunting with hounds - hounds in flight Equine Photography by NiEquine Photography by Ni Riain Photogaphyshowjumping rider and horse Equine Photography by Ni Riain PhotoMy little pony and Jack russell dogs licks of love Equine portrachildren cantering ponies on Rush beach Equine Photography by NiChloe O'Flynn Event Rider and her eventing horse Equine photo Ni Riain Photography 008

Equine Photography by Ni Riain PhotogaphyEquine Photography by Ni Riain Photogaphy

Little sister playing with her favourite pony by Ni Riain PhotogShowjumper and Showjumping pony Tipperary Equestrian Centre Mill Road Thurles Equine portraits by Ni Riain Photography Award winning imagesYoung boy and pony Equine Photography by Ni Riain PhotogaphyWarrington Equestrian Centre Equine Photography by Ni Riain Photogaphy

Young Rider and grey horse Equine photo shoot by Ni Riain PhotogEquine Photography by Ni Riain Photogaphy

Wedding Equine Photography by Ni Riain Photogaphy - Ireland's toShowjumping rider and Horse Gorey Wexford Equine photo shoot byEvent horse and rider irelands Leading equine photographer Sinéad Ni Riain Ni Riian Photography Thurles Co. Tipperary 2

Cavan Equestrian Centre Showjumping pony and riders Ni Riain Pho

Event rider and Eventing Horse Equine photo shoot by Ni Riain PhFull Family of hunters with horses and ponies Equine photo by Ni

Ponies grazing with young sisters  and their brother  Snowy and

Showjumping girl with pony Cahir Equestrian Centre and TipperaryEvent rider in Joules top and Eventing Horse Equine photo shootEvent rider and Eventing Horse Equine photo shoot by Ni Riain PhEquine Photography by Ni Riain PhotogaphyYoung girl playing with her favourite horse by Ni Riain Photogra

Event rider and Eventing Horse Equine photo shoot by Ni Riain Ph

Sunset with my pony Rush Beach Irelands top Horse Photographer E

Event rider and Eventing Horse Equine photo shoot by Ni Riain Ph

Young ponyclub rider and her showjumping pony and horse sunset W

Coloured Horse & Hunting Whip - Horse photographer Equine Photog

and where it all started ….my Winning  “Best Portrait”  in Ireland in the Irish Professional Photographers Association National Awards 🙂

Winner Best Portait irish Professional Photographers Association